
Monday, May 18, 2009

Preparing the Landing Strip

Here it is...the new landing pad for the two honey bee hives Brian will be installing at the Means of Production Garden. He says the queens have eaten their way through the candy and they have been accepted by the hive, but they don't quite seem settled yet. Saturday afternoon Sharon lead a work party to build a "bee herding fence" between the landing pad and the path so the bees will fly over the fence and over the heads of the people and pets using the path.

There's plenty of bumble bee fodder here in this tough patch of broom. I don't know if this is a mutation, but I've never seen this bi-coloring happening on broom before.

The brussel sprout flowers are fully in their glory and they are great for snacking on while we work.

The lupins are just about to bloom.

Dainty daffodils dilly-dallying in the dale.

Ephemeral dandelions--they'll be back!

Saturday was warm and muggy and the Nootka roses were luscious and fragrant.

Note how long those grasses are becoming already. Strewth!

Jean and I re-marked the path in the bee garden and with the help of the new bee apprentice program the EYA is hosting we weeded and added some more compost around the edges of the garden. Jean and I planted, white and red varieties of clover around the bottom "circle", and buckwheat inside the upper circle. We also planted coreopsis in the southwest corner, and salvia, agastache, calendula, and marigolds all along the top of the garden. Now we need a good shower to get those seeds sprouting. Thanks to everyone who came out to give us a hand.

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