
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Convergence and Divergence

This past week I found myself drawn to the self-help section of The Terry Salman Library. This doesn't happen very often, honest! I chose a book called The Chairs are Where the People Go by  Sheila Heti and Misha Glouberman. (Elegant website, btw.) Heti transcribed Glouberman's ruminations on a variety of topics, many which are actually dear to my heart, such as how chairs are set up for a performance or reading. (As a performer, this kind of thing makes me crazy--a poorly set up room serves as an echo chamber for social anxiety.) Anyhow, it's a fun, easy-to read-book, kind of like walking alongside an interesting friend who's in a talkative mood. As a Canadian, he's not forceful about his ideas and isn't trying to convince you they will change or save your life--which is refreshing in a self-help book section.

So turns out monsieur Glouberman does workshops in vocal improvisation and he has in fact changed my life, or he will have once I try this experience with my students. The group starts on the same sound and then slowly begins to diverge into chaos until they are reigned in again and slowly begin to merge into one sound again. Brilliant!

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