
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Gathering Rain at The Dr. Sun Yat Sen Classical Chinese Garden

We have begun installing our work in the garden, working rain or shine. Robin Ripley's piece is adjacent to the Room of One Hundred Rivers. On Saturday it appeared to be gathering sunlight rather than rain.

 This gorgeous woven willow snake looms in the water at the center of the garden. It was created by lead artist Alastair Heseltine and volunteers.

Peter Courtemanche is in the process of creating his interactive sound installation.

 Robin has worked with a steady stream of garden visitors to create watercolor art that is builds an awareness of just how much water falls in Vancouver and makes us more concious of our daily water use.

Yesterday Robin's cloud was drenched with rainfall.

DJ Don Chow recorded my improvisations and some of the songs we'll be using in The Starling Cloud Choir. He'll be creating his own remix which you can enjoy this Saturday at the Dr. Sun Yat Sen Classical Chinese Garden just after the choir performs at 3 pm.

If you are in the neighborhood today, drop by the garden to see three of the artists at work: Peter Courtemanche, Robin Ripley, and Diana Burgoyne.

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