
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Heritage Garden Tour: Some Thoughts

It has been so much fun to tour through some fabulous gardens on the Heritage Garden Tour. You should go! We tried to do all fourteen in one day, but I'm glad we saved three for tomorrow. It is quite overwhelming to take in all that personality and beauty.

Some of the things I've made notes about:

1) Jean and I both have potting shed envy. We all need a cute place to store tools and pot up plants, ranging from a stand-alone shelf, to a shelf under the eve of a studio, to a full on spotless outbuilding with that has been decorated in harmonious tones. "This is nicer than my house," Jean whispers of the latter.

2) I am loving the "curio table" ie metal tables with drainage holes displaying large shells, rocks, and interesting succulents.

3) Not that many bee plants, which is interesting. The largest garden had the most variety of bees, partly because of its size and partly because of the large number of native plants.

4) I liked it best when the owner was in the garden and happy to answer plant nerd questions. It really makes the tour special when you meet the person who's created the garden and you see how happy it makes them to share their passion.

5) I saw some triangular raised beds for food, which I loved and want to emulate some day. Almost every garden had one or more food garden beds.

6) Just because someone has put a lot of cash into a garden, doesn't mean it's more interesting. It's fun to see how people can be inventive without spending a ton of money.

I also learned a lot about my friend Jean, who has very strong opinions about plants and lateral fencing structures!

A big thank you to all those who generously opened up their gardens to us.

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