
Monday, May 25, 2015

You're Invited to a Second Site Tea Party and Wind Garden workshop on Sunday, May 31

Second Site collective: Tea Party and Wind Garden workshop
at Moberly Arts and Cultural Centre
7646 Prince Albert St, Vancouver
(60th and Prince Albert, two blocks east of Fraser)

Sunday May 31st from 1pm to 4 pm

Join us for a Tea Party and wind-crafting workshop on Sunday May 31st
at the gardens beside the Moberly Arts and Cultural Centre. Help build
a Wind Garden by making your own wind powered gizmo to plant in the
earth or simply come for tea and take a look at the artworks. Diana
Burgoyne will work with participants to create a field of wind-powered
buzzing noise-makers. Peter Courtemanche will build a sound piece that
sings-along with the wind. Robin Ripley will help you fashion your own
wind catcher using a variety of recycled materials. Lori Weidenhammer
will craft parachutes for carrying wind-borne materials to different
parts of the garden.

Spread the word and invite your friends.

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