
Friday, August 12, 2016

The Stunning Shades of Wild Paintbrush

It's been a lifelong dream to visit alpine meadows while the wild paintbrush are in bloom.

Paintbrush is a wildflower that's almost impossible to grow in domestic gardens because of its parasitical relationship to plant communities, so it's best seen in the wild.

Jasna and I hiked the paintbrush trail in Manning Park (and part of the Heather trail), and the colours did not disappoint. The primary pollinators are hummingbirds, but we didn't see any hummers on our hike. In fact we didn't see any visitors on the flowers. It was very quiet here, and we reveled in the silent solitude, broken only by the tinkling of bear bells, the chip notes of songbirds, and the piping of marmots.

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