
Friday, July 19, 2019

Sleepy Agastache Bee

We had a lovely rain and now the sun is out, and that means the bee buns are out!!!!! I had fun visiting the Riley Park Community Garden in preparation for tomorrow's workshop to see who's been sleeping in the garden. This bumblebee is sleeping in the Agastache 'Heat Wave'.

In the garden, it's planted next to a potentilla plant and Canada goldenrod, which also support many beneficial insects. So this is one of the pollinator hotspots we'll be exploring tomorrow in the garden!

Bees also love to sleep on the flat surface of yarrow. With its tiny florets, it's easy for large or small bees to have a drink of nectar when they wake up and resume working.

The scarlet runner beans were also busy with bees, but this fella decided to sun himself for awhile, resting on a leaf. Putting logs and rocks in sunny spots in your garden helps bees and butterfly charge their "solar batteries" and provide lovely places for humans to take a closer look at the beauty of our native pollinators.

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