The Talented Ms. Ripley lead us in an exploration of the creatures that leave traces in the Means of Production Garden. Meanwhile, I documented what's happening to the plants right now. We've got some baby fruit coming on.

It was fun to watch the students gain confidence in the space and explore some of the "wilder" corners of the garden. They found an impressive ant hill in the grass.

The cherries are developing fruit.

The blueberries are coming along.

The chives are in full bloom.

The comfrey is in bloom.

The Pawlonia or Empress tree has blossoms at the very top.

The false indigo is almost open.

Pierre Leichner's installation is starting to take shape.

We discovered a hanging nest made of cobwebs, moss, and lichens.

Unfortunately a bee collided with one student and he got stung on his face. Ouch.

The irises are spectacular right now.

Students check out the new mason bee condos.

The bumble bees were very active in the Nootka rose.

Robin told us about the game where you take a plantain leaf and pull is between two people. The person with the bigger part of the leaf is the bigger liar!

Hello poppy!

Shades of purple grace the site.

Students were asked to get down and really study what was going on in the MOP garden.

Robin is preparing the students for the work they will be continuing in their classroom marking the tracks that insects, animals and birds leave in the garden.

The thornless blackberry is blossoming.

The twin berries look fat and juicy.

So much of this late spring palette is purple and yellow, so the poppy's scarlet really "pops" here.

The new seating area is put to good use.
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