I see that some garden bloggers are posting photos of what is blooming on key dates of the month. I'm a bit late for April bloom day, but since it was a sunny Sunday I took photos of what's blooming in our back yard. First up--an azalea with the first mason bee of the season and he's hungry!

Bleeding Hearts in the shade garden.

These daffodils should be called Sunny Side Up.

Dandelions, of course.

The forsythia is starting to wither. I pruned my roses today and after the forsythia finishes blooming I'm going to prune that too.

Forget-me-nots and hyacinth.

Sweet little muscari.

You know, I have no clue what this is and I didn't even know it was in the garden!
ETA: Jean says this is Daphne Spurge and it's toxic and invasive. (See comments.) Bummer.

Rhododendrons looking a bit cold.

Honey-scented Skimmia for the bees.

Just look at the tulips in waiting! I also have one tiny primula blooming and some Siberian squill out front. Our neighbor's lilac looks ready to bloom later in the week. We need some warm temperatures now to keep those mason bees from catching their death of cold.
Your mystery plant is called Spurge Daphne - it's a wee bit invasive and you'll see it in most yards in the 'hood. Fact sheet from Victoria says it pure poison!