Eleven years ago today I was in Women and Children's Hospital giving birth to our son who surprised us by being one month premature. I was trapped in a hospital room for ten days and I was in love with the Tiny One, but I was scared. He was so vulnerable and mysterious and we were responsible for nurturing and protecting him. Now he's well on his way to becoming a premature teenager, stubborn, shy, and very much his own person.

We celebrated with pompadums and
Spicy Pepper jam from Gypsy Jams. The boys had lime soda and we sipped La Vielle Ferme Rosé. Peter cooked the pink salmon I purchased at the Oak Street market and UBC Farm potatoes.

We had a salad of UBC greens and broad beans with a tarragon mustard vinaigrette, and flowers from the back yard.

The birthday boy requested a mango and chocolate ice cream cake, so I made the cake with mango gelato and whipped up a thick chocolate sauce to pour on top. The cake was garnished with raspberries Ules picked from the garden.

His friend made a lovely raspberry pie which we also served with chocolate sauce because at our house chocolate is always in season.

Of course he'd been waiting all day to open his presents, this one in particular.

We partied until midnight, with the boys snacking on their candy bags with selections from
Grenadine and Co.

May all your birthdays be filled with fresh food and giggles.
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