This week I worked with kids at the Moberly Community Arts Centre summer camp. The herb garden is looking lush and whimsical with its new willow fences and arches created by Sharon Kallis and David Gowman. Apparently, during the weaving workshops one child suggested they make a small arch just for kids, and it makes the garden very enchanted. The kids love swooping through the little arch which is entwined with heritage sweet peas. The garden is so abundant at this time of the year that I can let the kids cut generous samples of their favorite herbs.

It's lovely the way the weaving integrates the marguerites right into the structure.

The garden is filling in nicely and the nepeta is thrumming with bees.

There are three colors of yarrow in the garden and I find it odd that the kids automatically thought they were three different kinds of flowers. I guess I was a real geeky kid, pouring over seed catalogs and wildflower books in my spare time.

There are rustic informative signs in the garden, which are really helpful (when they're in the right place). They like to wander around the garden when no one's looking.

When I teach kids about herbs, we talk about how important they are for the bees and we inevitably end up making messages for the bees. I have a punch that makes tiny envelopes and they really appeal to girls who are about 8 or 9 years old.

I love this little drawing of the marguerite blossom. One little girl made three labels:
cooling, and
fuzzy for the three categories of the herbs she was drying. I think that's a great idea.

Here are all the herb triangles hung up until the kids can take them home at the end of the day.

The girls who loved envelopes made secret messages for the bees and decided to hide them all around the garden. I'm happy this captured their imaginations.

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