Welcome to our yellow-themed tea party celebrating summer solstice, father's day, and National Aboriginal Day. Am I missing anything?

Such a pale yellow, it's just beyond a creamy white.

I decorated the bee herding fence with the old rhyme:
Marriage, birth, or burying,
News across the Seas,
All your sad or merrying
You must tell the bees.

Lois wore her yellow buttons and the sun shone to power up Garden Gnomad.

Shades of The Wicker Man...but ours is happy wicker, really!

This man is demonstrating our jaunty name tag system.

The honeywort is busy with Bombus.

Those guys have good pipes.

Eat your heart out Hello Kitty, our snacks are cuter.

See what I mean?

Wicker Man, meet Chamomile Man.

The cutie with the golden booty, I mean booties.

Bees love a five-o'clock shadow.

This baby's on fire!

Humans studying bees.

A bee studying humans...and giving us a raspberry!
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