Sad to say that this is my last tea party as a member of MOPARRC. It's been wonderful working with Sharon Kallis, Lois Klassen, Jody MacDonald and David Gowman and the Environmental Youth Alliance. Blessings and thanks to Oliver Kellhammer for creating such an incredible space and leaving us with this profound legacy.

We had a sunny, yet shade-dappled party with bee talks by the EYA, an invitation to participate in Haruko Okana's new project, tours of Peter Leichner's garden, and music by the League of Flying Monkeys Horn Orchestra and the Pan Flautists.

These little spikey balls are the seed heads of Echinops.

Folks were eager to hear what the EYA had to say about their hives at the MOP.

Participants were invited to make their own bee hats and have a close up look at honey extractor.

We collected chamomile, mint, fennel and little white roses from the garden for our tea blends created by Jody MacDonald.

Fritillaries, syrphid flies and all kinds of bees were having their own tea party in the mint flowers.

Sharon supplied parasols to help participants to stay cool. We really needed them!
Haruko Okano talks about her project which will take place at Granville Island in September. Check out her
Ocean Flotilla blog to find out how you can participate. Don't just think about it, do it!

Participants wrote messages of hope to send in Haruko's beautiful boats. On her blog, Haruko states:
"Experiments have shown that when positive thinking is done in unison with hundreds of participants in different locations concentrating on one vision that it can improve a situation needing positive change. This was done for a short, sustained period of time for a specific problem. Therefore, I invite you to begin changing the destiny of the planet and all its inhabitants for the better by taking the time to compose an affirmation. Hold this thought in your mind, knowing that there are others doing exactly the same thing."

Dr. Legume told us the sad story of trying to undo the damage done to plants by the artist Peter Leichner.

This pea is one of his experiments.

There were some awesome sun hats at the party.

I love the patterns of shadows on this umbrella.
Best wishes to all of the fabulous folks I have met through my involvement in MOPARRC. Please keep in touch and check in to this blog to find out what projects I'll be doing in the future including more performing, gardening, natural dyeing, writing, and teaching.