Let's talk about snow peas, but first, say hello to Mr. Rhubarb!

My neighbor gave me the gift of a few snow pea seedlings and they are the first thing to go in our brand new garden bed! She has planted them in cardboard egg cartons and the roots are already poking through the bottom.

Catherine told me to cover all the cardboard with soil so it rots. I removed as much of the cardboard as I could without disturbing the roots. She told me peas don't like to get their leaves wet and you must not walk among peas in the rain because their are viruses in the air they might catch. Sounds like the title of a Canadian novel: Walking Among Peas.

Some of the peas have natty copper collars to keep out slugs, but I ran out of copper so the rest of the plants are surrounded by eggshells.

These peas can climb up to six feet, so I've got to put some netting up to give them some support. Thanks for the snow peas, Catherine!
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