You know it's going to be a good event when notre petit chien steals the show comme d'habitude. Seedy Saturday was very busy this year. I came, I shopped, I chatted and I left before I was crushed by the crowds. They really need to hold it in a larger venue.

I ended up buying lots of seeds from Brother Nature, including edible Chrysanthemums, which is what Chinese Chrysanthemum tea is made from. It's a good tea to drink with dim sum. You can stir-fry the greens of edible Chrysanthemum too. According to
"This tea is slightly sweet and refreshing, with a cooling effect on the body. Chrysanthemum Tea is believed to improve cloudy vision and gradually reduces liver inflammation. It is frequently included in formulas for sinus congestion, fever, complexion problems, and high blood pressure. The infusion is a nearly fluoresent yellow with a fantastically light taste. Chrysanthemum teas are often served with meals and complement many main dishes."
The most gorgeous pussywillows ever. Don't you just want to own a coat made of these!

Viburnum blossoms.

You can buy fruit trees and mushrooms at Seedy Saturday too. The mushroom man had a linuep of people wanting to purchase his shroom kits. I ended up buying the Cerinthe major in the gift shop (Renee's Garden) because the Van Dusen honeywort seeds weren't available during Seedy Saturday. No comment on that one.

You know you want some!
(BTW, I see Brother Nature also has a
bee garden mix you can buy on his website.)
I am so jealous to see pictures of blooming things that I can barely stand to read your site! It's so cold in Toronto!!! Everybody looks sad as they slump in their subway seats, well except for one girl I saw, slowly eating a muffin and smiling lasciviously to herself, she must've had some great sex today. Send flowers. Send condolences. Send love.