But let the romance continue, I say. Lunch at the French Table: give me a simple seafood salad any day. I love it.

For V-Day brekkie I cooked crepes which we ate with Bergamot marmalade from Beta 5. This is flowery, but with those real bitter notes you gotta love. I don't understand their aversion to pectin.

I also cooked up some blood orange curd which has a rather weird color and texture--like uni.

I made the crepes with half buckwheat and half wheat flour.

Chocolate covered ginger from Beta 5. I found it dry and stringy. Peter liked it.

We made pork dumplings for our Valentine's supper.

Valentine's chocs from Beta 5. The color coding system did not work. I like it better when you can just choose chocolates a la carte and I prefer the dome shape they used to make. I also get tired of every filling based in ganache. Do I sound like the Valentine's grinch yet?

Ullie's charming and disturbing treat bag. Pac Man says: "wakka wakka wakka."
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