I went out in my garden today and noticed some sleepy bumble bees looking a little worse-for wear, almost like they were hung-over from the night before. We had a bit of rain last night and it did seem like it was going to rain this afternoon, but no such luck.

The MOP bee garden is just passing its prime. Some of the sunflowers are starting to droop and go to seed. Today I pulled out the red clover and Sharon and I clipped the fuzzy seed heads for seed tapestries.

I also collected cerinthe seeds which had fallen to the ground.

This was an elegant gladiola that a guerilla gardener planted in the garden.

Yes, that foul bindweed gets everywhere, but Sharon turns it into art!

A very shaggy bumble bee and a tiny friend just to the left on one of the petals.

This is how tall those sunflowers are. I kid you not!

We've decided on the dresswear theme for the next MOPARRC teaparty. Hint: "Hoots mon, git your kilt out and give it a wee bit of airing!"
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